## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=02FFE1C0-0B39-5890-8F0D-A260BCA6EB9D
# CVE-2024-9290 Exploit Tool | Super Backup & Clone Vulnerability
![cve-2024-9290 Jenderal92](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/08300dd6-8788-4518-b659-d361730da69f)
The tool targets WordPress websites that use the **Super Backup & Clone** plugin and are vulnerable to arbitrary file upload. It attempts to upload a malicious shell into the `/wp-content/uploads/isnapshots/` directory. Once uploaded, the tool validates the existence of the shell and logs successful uploads into a `shells.txt` file.
## **Features**
- **Multi-threading**: Processes up to 10 URLs simultaneously for faster exploitation.
- **Custom Shell Upload**: Uses the malicious shell hosted on GitHub as a payload.
- **Logging**: Logs successful exploits into `shells.txt` for easy reference.
## **Usage**
### **Prerequisites**
1. Python 2.7 is required to run this tool.
2. Ensure you have the `requests` library installed:
pip install requests
### **Steps to Use**
1. Clone this repository or download the script.
2. Create a text file containing a list of target URLs, one URL per line.
3. Run the script:
python CVE-2024-9290.py
4. Enter the path to the file containing the URLs when prompted.
5. The tool will attempt to exploit each target and log any successes to `shells.txt`.
## **Key Points**
- **Educational Use Only**: This tool is designed for ethical hacking and penetration testing under authorized conditions.
- **Do Not Misuse**: Unauthorized use is illegal and may result in severe consequences.
- **Customizable**: Users can modify the script for specific payloads or requirements.
I have written the disclaimer on the cover of Jenderal92. You can check it [HERE !!!](https://github.com/Jenderal92/)