# CVE-2024-38063
mitigation script by disabling ipv6 of all interfaces


## Import the script like a module on a elevated Powershell (run as admin)
`. .\CVE-2024-38063`

## Use the functions

### Show-IPV6EnabledAdapters
Show all adapters that have IPV6 enabled!
PS C:\users\public> Show-IPV6enabledAdapters

### Disable-IPV6Adapter
Disable IPv6 on a specific adapter!
**Atention** to the name of adapters that may have spaces when refer to it!!! 

PS C:\users\public> Disable-IPV6Adapter -AdapterName "Ethernet 2"

### Enable-IPV6Adapter
Enable IPv6 on a specific adapter!
**Atention** to the name of adapters that may have spaces when refer to it!!! 

PS C:\users\public> Enable-IPV6Adapter -AdapterName "Ethernet 2"

### Disable-IPV6AllAdapters
Disable IPv6 on all adapters!
PS C:\users\public> Disable-IPV6AllAdapter

## Example 
