# test-task-CVE-2024-25600
Repository for internship test-task. 

### Step 0: Clone this git repo
git clone

### Step 1: Create docker containers

#### Start Docker daemon

sudo systemctl start docker.service

#### Start Docker Containers
To start the docker container navigate to the wp_container directory
cd path/to/wp_container
Start the docker containers
sudo docker compose up -d

#### (optional) Check if the wordpress page started
The WP site may take roughly 30 seconds to get working properly. To validate if the WP page started issue the following command:
The output should display HTML code. and no errors

### Step 2: Exploit the website
#### (If necessary) create a python virtual environment
python -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment

#### Install the necessary dependencies
To install the necessary dependencies navigate to the exploit directory and run the following command:
path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

#### Run the exploit
While in the exploit directory to run the exploit issue the following command:
path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/python3 -u

This will crant you access to the server shell as www-data. And you will have access to /etc/passwd.
Output from exploit script and whoami
![alt text](image.png)