# CVE-2021-44228-Advisories
Please open Issues to include an advisory / No PRs.

# Please check out this list, got more traction than mine :)

This list includes all advisories of companies, even if they're just confirming that they're not using log4j at all.

|Company/Product|Link to advisory|Do you have to do something|
|Amazon Web Service||Yes|
|Atlassian||Maybe, depending on your configuration|
|Cisco||Check later, they're currently investigating|
|Citrix||Check later, they're currently investigating|
|Jenkins||Maybe, depending on your configuration|
|NetApp||Yes, but nothing available yet|
|NSA Ghidra||Yes|
|Paloalto Networks||No|
|Red Hat||Yes|
|SalesForce||Check later, they're currently investigating|
|SonarQube||Check later, they're currently investigating|
|Sonatype||Check later, they're currently investigating|