Product: R700 Laser Presentation Remote
Manufacturer: Logitech
Affected Version(s): Model R-R0010 (PID WD904XM and PID WD802XM)
Tested Version(s): Model R-R0010 (PID WD904XM and PID WD802XM)
Vulnerability Type: Insufficient Verification of Data Authenticity (CWE-345)
                    Keystroke Injection Vulnerability
Risk Level: High
Solution Status: Open
Manufacturer Notification: 2019-04-12
Solution Date: -
Public Disclosure: 2019-06-04
CVE Reference: CVE-2019-12506
Author of Advisory: Matthias Deeg (SySS GmbH)



Logitech R700 Laser Presentation Remote is a wireless presenter using
2.4 GHz radio communication.

The manufacturer describes the product as follows [1]:

"Brilliant red laser pointer helps you get their attention - and keep

Due to unencrypted and unauthenticated data communication, the wireless
presenter Logitech R700 Laser Presentation Remote is prone to keystroke
injection attacks.


Vulnerability Details:

SySS GmbH found out that the wireless presenter Logitech R700 Laser
Presentation Remote is vulnerable to keystroke injection attacks.

An attacker can analyze the unencrypted and unauthenticated data packets
of the 2.4 GHz radio communication sent by the wireless presenter to the
receiver (USB dongle) in order to learn the used protocol. By knowing
the used data protocol, it is possible to inject packets in the data
communication that are actually interpreted as keystrokes by the
receiver on the target system.

Thus, an attacker is able to send arbitrary keystrokes to a victim's
computer system, for example in order to install malware when the target
system is unattended. In this way, an attacker can remotely take control
over the victim's computer that is operated with an affected receiver of
a Logitech R700 wireless presenter. 


Proof of Concept (PoC):

SySS GmbH could successfully perform keystroke injection attacks against
the wireless presenter Logitech R700 Laser Presentation Remote using an
in-house developed software tool in combination with the USB radio
dongle Crazyradio PA and the nrf-research-firmware by Bastille Networks
Internet Security [2, 3].

The following output of the developed proof-of-concept software tool
illustrates a successful attack:

# python2 -a 7F:20:9E:C2:07
        _____  ______ ___  _  _     _____  _                      _  
       |  __ \|  ____|__ \| || |   |  __ \| |                    | |     
  _ __ | |__) | |__     ) | || |_  | |__) | | __ _ _   _ ___  ___| |_       
 | '_ \|  _  /|  __|   / /|__   _| |  ___/| |/ _` | | | / __|/ _ \ __|    
 | | | | | \ \| |     / /_   | |   | |    | | (_| | |_| \__ \  __/ |_   
 |_| |_|_|  \_\_|    |____|  |_|   |_|    |_|\__,_|\__, |___/\___|\__|
                                                    __/ |             
Logitech Wireless Presenter Attack Tool v1.0 by Matthias Deeg - SySS GmbH (c) 2016
[*] Configure nRF24 radio
[*] Actively searching for address 07:C2:9E:20:7F
[*] Ping success on channel 8
[*] Ping success on channel 8
[*] Press <CTRL+C> to start keystroke injection
[*] Start keystroke injection ...
[*] Done.

This demonstrated keystroke injection attack also worked in 2016 against
the wireless presenter Logitech R400, which is described in the SySS
security advisory SYSS-2016-074 [4].



SySS GmbH is not aware of a solution for this reported security


Disclosure Timeline:

2019-04-12: Vulnerability reported to manufacturer
2019-06-04: Public release of security advisory