## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=1BEC6FC7-A78F-5D62-A1A8-B9FF4A25C3B7
# CVE-2024-22263_Scanner
For Ethical Usage only, Any harmful or malicious activities are not allowed. And it's your own responsibility.
CVE-2024-22263: Spring Cloud Dataflow Arbitrary File Writing
# Usage
โโโโโโโโโโ โโโโโโโโโโโ โโโโโโโ โโโโโโโ โโโโโโโ โโโ โโโ โโโโโโโ โโโโโโโ โโโโโโโ โโโโโโโ โโโโโโโ
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By: SecureLayer7 (Zeyad Azima)
usage: CVE-2024-22263.py [-h] [-t TARGET] [-p PORT] [-r REPONAME] [-n PACKAGENAME] [-v VERSION] [-f FILE]
Upload a package to the server.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
The target to scan (e.g.,
-p PORT, --port PORT The port on the target (default: 80).
The repository name (default: local).
The name of the package (default: ../../../poc).
-v VERSION, --version VERSION
The version of the package (default: 1.0.0).
-f FILE, --file FILE A file containing a list of targets to scan in the format "http://target,port".
## **Options**
- **`-t` or `--target`**: Specify the target server URL (e.g., ``). This option is used when scanning a single target.
- **`-p` or `--port`**: Specify the port on the target server (default: `80`). Use this option to set a specific port for the target server.
- **`-r` or `--repoName`**: Set the repository name where the package will be uploaded (default: `local`).
- **`-n` or `--packageName`**: Set the name of the package (default: `../../../poc`). The package name is the path you want to write the file to..
- **`-v` or `--version`**: Set the version of the package (default: `1.0.0`).
- **`-f` or `--file`**: Specify a file containing a list of targets to scan. Each line in the file should follow the format `http://target,port`. Use this option to scan multiple targets from a file.
## **Scan a Single Target**
To scan a single target with a specific port:
python3 scanner.py -t -p 7577
## **Scan Multiple Targets from a File**
To scan multiple targets from a file:
python3 scanner.py -f targets.txt
The `targets.txt` file should contain lines in the following format:
## **Custom repository name, package version and package name**
To customize the repository name, package version and package name:
package name is the path you want to write the file to.
python3 scanner.py -t -p 7577 -r customRepo -n customPackage -v 2.0.0
# Screenshots