# CVE-2021-34824 repro
## reproducing an old istio bug

This set of scripts and manifests will aid in exploring [an old Istio security issue]( which allowed malicious Istio users to access Kubernetes secrets they should not have access to. This reproduction is modeled on [this blog post]( which has some problems. See [this blog post]( for details.

## Using

### See the vulnerability

1. Run `./` to download the necessary binaries.
1. Run `./` to deploy the vulnerable version of istio in a vulnerable configuration.
1. Run `./` to examine the results of the test.

### See the fix

1. Edit `` and switch the `ISTIO_VERSION` variable from `${ISTIO_VULN}` to `${ISTIO_SAFE}`.
1. Run `./` to deploy the fixed version of istio in the same vulnerable configuration.
1. Run `./` to bounce the gateway pods so they pick up the new version.
1. Run `./` to verify that the fixed version of istio is running.
1. Run `./` to examine the results again.