## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=2DE8E4E7-1921-5C02-9FB1-86DD45167CA0
# CVE-2022-3590 WordPress Vulnerability Scanner
This Python script is designed to check whether a WordPress website is vulnerable to the CVE-2022-3590 vulnerability. The vulnerability exploits an unauthenticated blind Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in the pingback feature of WordPress.
## Getting Started
These instructions will guide you on how to use this script.
## Screenshot
![Image Alt Text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hxlxmjxbbxs/CVE-2022-3590-WordPress-Vulnerability-Scanner/main/img/cli.jpg)
### Prerequisites
This script requires Python 3 and the `requests` library. You can install the necessary requirements using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
### Usage
You can run the script from the command line with the following syntax:
python3 CVE-2022-3590.py [-u URL | -f FILE] [-d DOMAIN]
Here is what each argument does:
- `-u URL` or `--url URL`: The URL of the WordPress website to check.
- `-f FILE` or `--file FILE`: A file containing a list of URLs of WordPress websites to check.
- `-d DOMAIN` or `--domain DOMAIN`: The domain controlled by the attacker.
(You can use public.requestbin.com or app.interactsh.com)
### Example
To scan a single website:
python3 CVE-2022-3590.py -u https://example.com
To scan multiple websites from a file:
python3 CVE-2022-3590.py -f urls.txt
### Output
The script will output whether each scanned website is vulnerable to the CVE-2022-3590 vulnerability.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
## Acknowledgments