# Invoke-sAMSpoofing
CVE-2021-42287/CVE-2021-42278 exploits in powershell

## Table of content
* [Overview](#Overview)
* [Menu](#Menu)
* [Screenshots](#Screenshots)
* [References](#References)

### Overview
A simple script to attack AD with CVE-2021-42287/CVE-2021-42278 exploits automatically.

### Menu
 - Invoke-sAMSpooofing
 - Invoke-GoldenTicket
 - Invoke-GoldenTips
 - RemoveMachineAccount 
 - Invoke-Rubeus
 - ADSIHound
 - Invoke-DCSync

### Screenshots
 - Invoke-sAMSpooofing  

 - Invoke-GoldenTicket (Just krbtgt hashes needed)
   Golden ticket also injected into memory and generate to file.  

 - Invoke-GoldenTips  

 - RemoveMachineAccount (Need domain admins privileges, also you can do this after create golden ticket.)  
 - Invoke-Rubeus  

### References
 - [3gstudent: Retrieves all users ntlm hashes from AD](
 - [ cve-2021-42287-cve-2021-42278-weaponisation](
 - [PowerSharpPack](
 - [Powermad](
 - [Rubeus](