# OpenSSH Vulnerability Checker

## Overview

This script scans a list of target IP addresses or ranges to determine if they are running vulnerable To CVE-2024-6387.

## Features

- Scans IP addresses, domain names, file paths containing IP addresses, or CIDR network ranges.
- Checks a specified port (default: 22) for OpenSSH service.
- Handles multiple targets concurrently using threading for efficient scanning.
- Reports non-vulnerable, vulnerable, and closed ports.
- Supports exclusion of specific OpenSSH versions known to be patched or not vulnerable.

## Requirements

- Python 3.x
- `argparse` module for command-line argument parsing.
- `ipaddress` module for handling IP addresses and CIDR notation.

## Usage

### Command Line Options

usage: [-h] [--port PORT] [-t TIMEOUT] [-l LIST] targets [targets ...]

Check if servers are running a vulnerable version of OpenSSH.

positional arguments:
  targets               IP addresses, domain names, file paths containing IP addresses, or CIDR network ranges.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --port PORT           Port number to check (default: 22).
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        Connection timeout in seconds (default: 1 second).
  -l LIST, --list LIST  File containing a list of IP addresses to check.

### Examples

1. Check a single IP address:

2. Check multiple IP addresses from a file:
   python3 -l ip_list.txt

3. Check a CIDR range:

## Output

The script outputs detailed information about each target:

- Servers not vulnerable to OpenSSH exploits.
- Servers likely vulnerable to OpenSSH exploits.
- Servers with closed SSH ports.
- Total number of targets scanned.

## Notes

- Ensure that you have appropriate permissions to scan the target hosts.
- Use responsibly and only on systems you are authorized to test.