# CVE-2024-27348 πŸͺΆ

CVE-2024-27348 Proof of concept Exploit RCE in Apache HugeGraph Server

Unauthenticated users can execute OS commands via Groovy injection in Apache HugeGraph Server. 

## Usage πŸ›  

Exploit multiple targets ☣️
python3 -f targets.txt -c "command to execute"

Exploit single target πŸ—‘
python3 -t http://target.tld:8080 -c "command to execute"

## Parameters 🧰 

Parameter | Description | Type
------------ | ------------- | -------------
-c/--comand |  Command to execute on target | String
-t/--target | URL, Single target  | String
-f/--file | Multiple targets | File

## Contact MeπŸ“‡

[Twitter - Milan Jovic](

[LinkedIn - Milan Jovic](

#### Educational purposes only and cannot be used for law violation or personal gain.
#### The author of this project is not responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials of this project.