## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=62F720CF-C08E-5ED1-91ED-CEE3A133F124
# CVE-2024-47176
> For eduacational use/Defensive use only, Only use where you are authorised to do so, Use at own risk!
## How to
```python3 scanner.py [CIDR] [SCANNER IP]```
## Example
```python3 scanner.py```
## Required Modules
Install via pip3/apt:
```$ pip3 install tqdm```
```$ sudo apt install python3-tqdm```
## Notes
The HTTP response is taking 300 seconds (5 minutes) to reply from a device running Ubuntu 18 and the cups-browserd daemon on UDP 613, To scan a /16 LAN (over wireless) is taking < 0 seconds.
## Thanks
Thanks to [@evilsocket](https://x.com/evilsocket) for the work he did finding the vulns!