# PoC for CVE-2023-0264

_Keycloak vulnerability that allows session hijacking during authorization code flow_


## Prerequisites

- Docker
- curl
- jq
- python3 or another tool to serve static files on HTTP

## Steps to reproduce

1. Start Keycloak container with `./`
2. Create two users `alice` and `mallory` with `./`
3. Serve the static files from this repo, e.g., `python3 -m http.server 8000`
4. Open http://localhost:8000/index.html in **two** browser sessions
5. Start logging in with `alice` and password `test` in session 1 and copy the session id from the prompt
6. Start logging in with `mallory` and password `test` in session 2 and paste the session id from `alice` into the
   prompt (and press _OK_)
7. You should be logged in as `alice` in session 2 from `mallory`