# Scanner for CVE-2022-42889 (Text4Shell)

## Description
This is a scanner for CVE-2022-42889 (Text4Shell) vulnerability

## Usage
### Step
1. Download jar file (jar file is on `preparedJar/text4shell-scanner.jar`)
2. Check java version on your system
3. Run jar file with args (refer to the following example)

### Sample command
> java -jar text4shell-scanner.jar /Path/you/want/to/scan

Sample Result
Scanner for CVE-2022-42889
User Name : ian
OS Name : Mac OS X
Target paths : [/Users]
Exclude paths : [/.Trash, /Dropbox, /Library]

Critical! Found vulnerability(CVE-2022-42889)! Path : /Path/~~/org.apache.commons/commons-text/1.9/~~/commons-text-1.9.jar, Version : 1.9
Critical! Found vulnerability(CVE-2022-42889)! Path : /Path/~~/org.apache.commons/commons-text/1.9/~~/commons-text-1.9-sources.jar, Version : 1.9

### Result ###
Vulnerable Files are 2 exists

### Args
- `--charset`
- `--exclude-prefix`
- `--exclude-pattern`
- `--help`

## Environment
JDK - OpenJDK 11.0.12

## CheckList
- OS
  - [x] Mac
  - [x] Linux
  - [ ] Windows(Not supported)

## License
MIT License