## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=77C9BD54-CD09-52B7-8297-EF760BCA39EA
"# CVE-2021-31956"
WIP PoC code for CVE-2021-31956 in preparation for OSEE. Will work on it after exam is over for stability and reliability. Init push is not complete. Check future pushes for notes on completion and stability updates.
https://decoded.avast.io/janvojtesek/exploit-kits-vs-google-chrome/ amazing write up that NCC and other lacks
https://research.nccgroup.com/2021/07/15/cve-2021-31956-exploiting-the-windows-kernel-ntfs-with-wnf-part-1/ good basic understanding of the vuln
https://github.com/aazhuliang/CVE-2021-31956-EXP for most of the starting code
- Apt 69