## CVE-2023-50564 (PoC)

This repository contains a Proof of Concept for CVE-2023-50564 vulnerability in Pluck CMS version 4.7.18


## Description

CVE-2023-50564 is a vulnerability that allows unauthorized file uploads in Pluck CMS version 4.7.18. This exploit leverages a flaw in the module installation function to upload a ZIP file containing a PHP shell, thereby enabling remote command execution.

## Usage

### Prerequisites

- Python 3.x
- The `requests` and `requests_toolbelt` packages

You can install the necessary packages with the following command:

pip install requests requests_toolbelt
## Instructions
1. Clone this repository:

git clone
cd CVE-2023-50564_Pluck-v4.7.18_PoC

2. Replace <hostname> with the target domain name or IP address in the PoC script.

3. Create a `` file containing `shell.php`. I recommand [pentestmonkey]( PHP reverse shell and replace `<your_ip>` and `<port>` fields with your IP and listening port.

4. Run the PoC script:

You will be prompted to enter the path to the ZIP file:
ZIP file path: ./path/to/
## Output example 

- If the login and upload are successful:

Login successful
ZIP file upload successfuly.
<output of the executed shell.php>

- If a login error occurs:

Login problem. response code: <code>

- If an upload error occurs:

ZIP file upload error. Response code: <code>

## Note 
Ensure that the `shell.php` file contains the correct reverse shell and your listener is waiting for the connection on the specified port.