# CVE-2022-30190 (Follina)


A proof of concept (PoC) for CVE-2022-30190 (Follina).

## Requirements

### Victim

- Windows 10 21H1 (equivalent/earlier)
- Security update KB5016616 uninstalled

### Attacker

- [Microsoft .NET SDK](
- Python 3.9 or later

## Configuration

Edit `config.xml` to modify the attacker's server hostname and port number.

  <name>{ hostname }</name>
  <port>{ port }</port>

## Usage

### Trojan

The following Python script will build the `trojan.docx` file and initialise the attacker's server.


### Payload

Build the payload and remove all unnecessary binaries with the following.

dotnet publish LocalEXF

### Clean

Run the following batch script to permanently delete this directory and everything in it.


## Important Notes

- To execute complex PowerShell commands, like this PoC, these commands **must** be Base64 encoded.

- [index.html](build/index.html) must contain at least 4096 bytes of data within the `<script>` tag.

- All arguments must be used as described within [href.txt](build/href.txt).

- Microsoft Word cannot use the [index.html](build/index.html) file to execute JavaScript. But for whatever reason, `location.href` works.

- For commands that invoke long running tasks, a troubleshooter will appear when the victim loads the document. The victim can inadvertently deny the attack by cancelling the troubleshooter. Ensure that the command runtime is short.