# CVE-2022-22965
### 2022.04.02 16:44
Optimized POC, no longer a one-time validation

## 警告:此程序会破坏日志信息的完整性,请备份服务器数据!仅在在拥有服务器渗透测试授权的情况下使用!
## Warning: This program will destroy log information integrity, please back up server data! Use only if you have server penetration test authorization!

pocsuite -r -u url 


As shown below, the program will automatically generate a random JSP page, will randomly generate JSP password, modify the parameters of CMD in JSP, can achieve command freedom


# 免责声明
## 此工具仅用于学习、研究和自查。不应将其用于非法目的。使用本工具产生的一切风险与我无关!
# Disclaimer
## This tool is for study, research, and self-examination only. It should not be used for illegal purposes. All risks arising from the use of this tool have nothing to do with me!