
## Badges

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## License


## Installation

Install cve-2021-31589 with npm

  npm install cve-2021-31589 -g

## Usage

Example for single url

  cve-2021-31589 -u 

## Usage

Example for list of urls 

  cve-2021-31589 -l urls.txt -o out.txt

## Screenshots

![App Screenshot](

## Help menu

#### Get all items


👋 Hey karthithehacker 

 |  Tool   : CVE-2021-31589 💉 |           
 |  Author : @karthithehacker🎖️|           
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CVE-2021-31589 Scanner 
CVE-2021-31589 is a powerful scanner for bug bounty hunters and penetration testers to discover vulnerabilities in their web applications.

$ CVE-2021-31589 [option]
Usage: CVE-2021-31589 [options]


| Argument | Type     | Description                |
| :-------- | :------- | :------------------------- |
| `-h` | `--help` | Show help |
| `-V` | `--version` | Show version number  |
| `-u` | `--url` | url to scan for CVE-2021-31589 |
| `-o` | `--output` | Save the results to text file |
| `-l` | `--list` | File containing a list of URLs for CVE-2021-31589 scan. |

## 🔗 Links

## Author

- [@karthithehacker](

## Feedback

If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at