# CVE-2024-27971-Note
WordPress Premmerce Permalink Manager for WooCommerce Plugin <= 2.3.10 is vulnerable to Local File Inclusion
1. I diff woo-permalink-manager.2.3.10 and woo-permalink-manager.2.3.11
3. File: src\Admin\Admin.php => function options() call function includeTemplate(vendor\premmerce\wordpress-sdk\src\V2\FileManager\FileManager.php)
4. File: vendor\premmerce\wordpress-sdk\src\V2\FileManager\FileManager.php => function includeTemplate call function locateTemplate
4. File: views\admin\main.php
Build wordpress: docker-compose -f stack.yml up
Note: wordpress install plugin Premmerce Permalink Manager for WooCommerce and WooCommerce
5. I use pearcmd.php write pwn.php
6. Requests pwn.php