## CVE-2022-26809

This repo just simply research for the CVE, for more detailed ananlysis,please refer [here](   
**UPDATE:05/19 2022**  
This ananlyze hasn't been finished yet....

**UPDATE:05/22 2022**  
[HuanGMz Post]( and [corelight blog]( show the real vulnerable point:  


This vulnerability is triggered like [CVE-2021-43893](, when send the ESFRPC request to lsass.exe with **UNC path**, victim will try to access target **as client**, so it will trigger interger overflow at **client API**

If have any better solution to trigger this vuln, feel free to submit issue or pr :)

### PoC-CVE-2022-26809
_[refer here](  

Because the vulnerability triggered like `CVE-2021-43893`, just clone the [PetitPotam]( code.

Just prepare environment just like here:

 - trigger: with PetitPotam
 - victim: with Vulnerable rpcrt4.dll
 - attacker: with attacker-server

1. Run `` at attacker-server aflter replacing the wit origin one(**Because the 445 port has been occupied by System on Windows, it recommend to deploy service on linux **
2. trigger the victim to access attacker serve with
python -pipe lsarpc -method DecryptFileSrv -debug "user:password@victim.ip" "\\attacker.path\realfile
3. It will not cause BSOD usually, enable the page heap for `lsass.exe`(_However, I have not success triggered BSoD, but accroding the windbg, the interger overflow has been triggered_)

**Old Description**  
Here is reproduce code for Windows RPC Vuln `CVE-2022-26809`, and it refer [](  

### PoC-OSF_SCALL::GetCoalescedBuffer
_My python version is 3.6.7_
_Not sure if GetCoalescedBuffer will involve real CVE-2022-26809, just keep it_
the `` just **try** to trigger the vuln function`OSF_SCALL::GetCoalescedBuffer`, it **wouldn't cause any crash because dword integer overflow is too hard to reproduce**.And the `` is the python package `impacket.dcerpc.v5.rpcrt`,just replace it with origin to trigger vuln(Remember to backup the origin one :) I believe the `` has a huge of bugs).

If it not work, maybe **wireshark** can help to locate the bug.

#### PipeDemo
if necessary, just use `nmake` to rebuild it