# CVE-2024-34693 Exploit

This repository contains a sophisticated Python script to exploit the CVE-2024-34693 vulnerability in Apache Superset. The script sets up a rogue MySQL server and creates a malicious MariaDB connection to exfiltrate the content of a specified file from the target system.


## Description

The `CVE-2024-34693` vulnerability allows attackers with the ability to create arbitrary database connections to perform `LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE` attacks, resulting in the reading of arbitrary files on the target system.

## Features

- **Automated Setup**: Sets up a rogue MySQL server using Bettercap.
- **Malicious Connection**: Creates a malicious MariaDB connection to exfiltrate files.
- **Improved Logging**: Provides detailed logging for better tracking and debugging.
- **Error Handling**: Graceful error handling and meaningful error messages.

## Prerequisites

- Python 3.x
- Bettercap
- Docker and Docker Compose (for setting up the Apache Superset environment)

## Installation

1. Clone the repository:

git clone
cd CVE-2024-34693-exploit

Run the exploit script with appropriate arguments:

python3 http://localhost:8088 /etc/passwd

Replace `http://localhost:8088` with the URL of your Apache Superset instance and `/etc/passwd` with the path of the file you wish to exfiltrate.