## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=9F5C8BE8-FEF9-5094-9ACE-11B0689686A4
# CVE-2023-20198
CVE-2023-20198 Checkscript based on:
- Technical analysis: https://blog.talosintelligence.com/active-exploitation-of-cisco-ios-xe-software/
- First script version: https://github.com/Atea-Redteam/CVE-2023-20198/
Thanks to Atea Redteam for their work.
- Python3.7+
- Python libs: ipaddress, requests, subprocess, re, argparse
Different ways to launch the script:
- Scan a subnet with CIDR notation:
./CVE-2023-20198.py -c
- Scan a single IP address:
./CVE-2023-20198.py -a
- Scan multiple IP addresses included into a file:
./CVE-2023-20198.py -f ips.txt
IPs with status code 200, suspicious length, and malicious impant confirmed:
IPs with status code 200, but doesn't seems to be pwned:
Results will be added into results.csv as well.