# Poc-Metabase-Preauth-CVE-2023-38646

Ho to use?
λ  cve git clone
λ  cve cd Poc-Metabase-Preauth-CVE-2023-38646
λ  Poc-Metabase-Preauth-CVE-2023-38646 git:(main) go build CVE-2023-38646-Exploit.go
λ  Poc-Metabase-Preauth-CVE-2023-38646 git:(main) ✗ go build Reverse-Shell.go
λ  Poc-Metabase-Preauth-CVE-2023-38646 git:(main) ✗ ./CVE-2023-38646-Exploit --help
Usage of ./CVE-2023-38646-Exploit:
  -ip string
    	IP address
  -list string
    	Filename containing list of IP addresses

λ  Poc-Metabase-Preauth-CVE-2023-38646 git:(main) ✗ ./Reverse-Shell --help
Usage of ./Reverse-Shell:
  -lhost string
    	Listener IP address
  -lport int
    	Listener port (default is 4444) (default 4444)
  -rhost string
    	Metabase server IP address (including http:// or https:// and port number if needed)
Enjoy :)