## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=B37E1C38-0982-5DC7-90D4-0BD68FB48402
# CVE-2023-36281
PoC of CVE-2023-36281
I referred to [this PoC](https://aisec.today/LangChain-2e6244a313dd46139c5ef28cbcab9e55). Unfortunately, it doesn’t work because the indexes of `subprocess.Popen` are different in each Python environment. However, my PoC code addresses this problem.
## Installation
`$ pip install -r requirements.txt`
## Execution
### 1. Get index of subprocss on your own environment since it could be different for each environment.
#### In
`$ python get_index_of_subprocess.py`
#### Out
subprcess.Popen index: 309.
Replace target_index in attack_prompt.json with this value.
### 2. Replace target_index in attack_prompt.json with the value you get.
### 3. Exploit
#### In
`$ python exploit.py`
#### Out
README.md attack_prompt.json get_index_of_subprocess.py exploit.py requirements.txt