# CVE-2024-0762 Detection and Malware Analysis Script

## Overview

This script is designed to detect UEFI firmware versions and assess them for vulnerabilities related to CVE-2024-0762. Additionally, it integrates with the VirusTotal API to analyze files for malware, providing comprehensive security insights:

## Features

- **UEFI Firmware Detection**: Retrieves the UEFI firmware version from Windows and Linux systems.
- **Vulnerability Assessment**: Checks if the detected firmware version is vulnerable to CVE-2024-0762.
- **VirusTotal Integration**: Submits files to VirusTotal for malware analysis and retrieves detailed reports.

## Requirements

- **Python 3.x**: Ensure Python 3 is installed.
- **Requests Library**: Required for making HTTP requests to the VirusTotal API.
  pip install requests


    Obtain a VirusTotal API Key:
        Register at VirusTotal and obtain your API key.

    Configure API Key:
        Replace 'your_api_key' in the script with your actual VirusTotal API key. Consider storing it in an environment variable or secure location.

    Set File Path:
        Update the file_path variable in the script to point to the file you want to analyze.


    Save the Script:
        Save the script to a file, e.g.,

    Run the Script:
        Execute the script using Python:

            Review Results:
        The script will output the detected UEFI firmware version and indicate if it is vulnerable to CVE-2024-0762.
        If a vulnerability is detected, the script submits the specified file to VirusTotal and displays the analysis report.

Script Functions

    execute_command(command): Executes a system command and returns the output. Handles errors and logs failures.
    get_uefi_version(): Retrieves the UEFI firmware version based on the operating system (Windows or Linux).
    check_vulnerability(version): Checks if the retrieved firmware version is listed as vulnerable.
    submit_to_virustotal(file_path): Uploads a file to VirusTotal and returns the file ID.
    get_virustotal_report(file_id): Retrieves the analysis report for a submitted file from VirusTotal.
    main(): Coordinates the detection and analysis processes.

Error Handling

    Logs detailed error messages for command execution failures and API request issues.
    Ensures graceful exit with meaningful error information.

Security Considerations

    API Key Management: Securely manage your API key and avoid hardcoding it in the script. Use environment variables or a secrets manager.
    Data Handling: Ensure that sensitive data, including API responses and logs, is handled and stored securely.


    Contributions are welcome. Please fork the repository and submit pull requests or open issues for discussion.


    This script is provided under the MIT License. Use it at your own risk.

### Key Points in the README:

1. **Overview**: Provides a summary of the script’s purpose and functionality.
2. **Features**: Lists the main capabilities of the script.
3. **Requirements**: Specifies prerequisites and installation instructions.
4. **Setup**: Guides users through configuring the script, including obtaining an API key and setting file paths.
5. **Usage**: Provides instructions on how to run the script and interpret the results.
6. **Script Functions**: Describes the key functions in the script.
7. **Error Handling**: Notes on how the script handles errors.
8. **Security Considerations**: Emphasizes best practices for API key management and data handling.
9. **Contributing**: Information on how to contribute to the project.
10. **License**: Details the licensing terms.
11. **Contact**: Provides contact information for further support.

This README follows industry standards and provides clear, structured information to help users understand and effectively utilize the script.