# :space_invader: CVE-2022-22965
This is a proof of concept of an exploit for [CVE-2022-22965 (spring4shell)]( vulnerability.
It is composed by:
* A vulnerable Springboot application;
* An exploit script written in python;
* A safe app for test that the exploit doesn't work;
* A dockerfile for running the vulnerable application and test the exploit;

# :wrench:Collaborators
* [:it:] [Mario Offertucci](;
* [:it:] [Antonio Donnarumma](
# :gear: Prerequisites
* [Docker]( It is used for running a tomcat container with the Springboot application;
* [Python]( It is used for running the exploit;

# :one: Running the Springboot application
Inside the project root folder there is a Dockerfile that creates a tomcat image and copies the ```vulnerable_app/target/spring4shell.war``` and ```safe_app/target/safeapp.war``` file inside ```/usr/local/tomcat/webapps``` folder, so you just have to build the image and start the container.
### Build the tomcat image
docker build -t cve_2022_22965 .

### Start the container
docker run -p 8080:8080 -d --name springshell cve_2022_22965
### Check if the application is responding
curl --location --request POST http://localhost:8080/spring4shell/vulnerability/exploit?name=Elliot%20Alderson
If you see this response
This is Elliot Alderson
Then the application is up and running.

# :two: Now you can run the exploit
cd exploits
python http://localhost:8080/spring4shell/vulnerability/exploit
You can optionally specify the injected jsp file name but it is not mandatory.
cd exploits
python http://localhost:8080/spring4shell/vulnerability/exploit -f exploit.jsp
If you don't specify a name a randome one will be generated.

You will see the following in the command shell
<img src="img-readme/shell.png"><br>
After the exploit you can send a command also via HTTP GET request

You have succesfully opened a shell on the victim machine! enjoy