# SealSecurity_Exam
Prototype pollution is a JavaScript vulnerability that enables an attacker to 
add arbitrary properties to global object prototypes, which may then be inherited by user-defined objects.
A prototype pollution source is any user-controllable input that enables you to add arbitrary properties to prototype objects. 
The most common sources are as follows:
Web Messages

For tough-cookies package ( v2.5.0) more relevant first one via URL
It happens as following: 

Here some request: 

When breaking the query string down into key:value pairs, a URL parser may interpret __proto__ as an arbitrary string. 
At some point, the recursive merge operation may assign the value of evilProperty using a statement equivalent to the following:

`targetObject.__proto__.badProperty = 'payload';`

`__proto__` has special usage in JavaScript. As we know , if for some object some property P1 was not found, it will be searched in the prototype of this object

function myClass() { 
  this.P1 = 'value';
let mc = new myClass();
console.log(mc.P1); //Value 
console.log(mc.P2); //Undefined
mc.__proto__.P2 = 'value2';
let mc2 = new myClass();
console.log(mc.P2); //value2
After changing `__proto__` - all created instances of myClass will have property P2

For tough-cookies package ( v2.5.0 ) this prototype pollution vulnerability can be seen from code snippet :  
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                "Slonser=polluted; Domain=__proto__; Path=/notauth",
                { loose: true },
                (err, cookie) => {
                    if (err) {
                    } else {

It was found that CookieJar class uses `MemoryCookieStore` as store by default. And in several methods of `MemoryCookieStore` objects initialized like following 
this.idx = {}; 
This means that for this.idx prototype can be added properties with values(which can be problematic values)  via `__proto__` . To prevent this - in several places there was changed initialization as following : 
this.idx = Object.create(null);
This is creates empty object without prototype.There was added test 
memstore_vulnerability_fix_test.js  verifying the fix