# SSRF Exploit Script

This repository contains a script designed to perform an SSRF (Server-Side Request Forgery) exploit for testing and educational purposes. **Use this tool responsibly and only in environments where you have explicit permission.**

## Features
- Exploit SSRF vulnerabilities in target systems.
- Validate input URLs to avoid misuse.
- Easy-to-use CLI interface with clear error messages and help menu.

## Requirements
- `bash` (Unix shell)
- `jq` (JSON processor)
- `curl` (Command-line tool for HTTP requests)

## Usage

### Syntax
./ --exploit <target_url> <purview_url>

### Options
| Option             | Description                                      |
| `-h`, `--help`     | Show the help menu.                             |
| `--exploit` `tu pu`| Perform the SSRF exploit with target and purview URLs. |

### Examples

#### Show Help Menu
./ -h

./ --exploit <target_url> <purview_url>

-h, --help       - Show this help menu
--exploit <tu> <pu> - Perform the SSRF exploit with target and purview URLs

#### Perform SSRF Exploit
./ --exploit

Expected Output:
- If successful:
  SSRF exploit successful! Data retrieved:
  <response data>
- If unsuccessful:
  SSRF exploit failed! HTTP code: <code>

## Script Workflow
1. The script parses the provided arguments.
2. Validates the provided URLs for correctness.
3. Sends an HTTP POST request with a JSON payload to the `purview_url`, attempting to exploit an SSRF vulnerability.
4. Prints the HTTP response or an error message based on the result.

## Example Workflow
### Input
./ --exploit

### Payload Sent
  "callback": ""

### Response Handling
The HTTP response code and body are saved, and based on the status code, the success or failure of the exploit is determined.

## Error Handling
- If invalid or missing arguments are detected, the script provides detailed instructions via the help menu.
- If URLs are malformed, an error message is displayed, and the execution stops.

## Development Notes
This script is for testing purposes only. Misuse of this script can lead to severe legal consequences. Ensure compliance with all applicable laws and ethical standards.

## Contribution
Feel free to contribute by creating pull requests or reporting issues.

## License


### Disclaimer
**This tool is intended for educational purposes and authorized penetration testing only.** The author is not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool.