## Meow Meow Meow!<br>

Just a Mass Exploit based on a Python PoC for # WSO2 Carbon Server [CVE-2022-29464](<br>
Pre-auth RCE bug  [CVE-2022-29464](<br>
## Meow Meow Meow? Requirements? <br>
A Brain<br>

## What is this tool? <br>

This is a mass-autoscan-exploit of [CVE-2022-29464]( based on the PoC wrote in python by a third part.<br>
The Py file is available and readable, see also the bash script that don't contain any encoded string.<br>
Massexploit will upload a shell and a reverse shell and print out the path to access it. Easy, Quick and Cool.<br>
I know that probably the code could be wrote better and saving some lines, but i did it when i was drunk and just to do something.<br>
Just run:<br>

This command can setup your shodan and zoomeye tool, API included (if you want to skip the setup of tools or api, just press enter to skip.)<br>
Then it start search for vulnerable hosts based on the dorks (examples are provided in the file examples_dorks.txt).<br>
If you prefer, the manual mode is always available through the command below.<br>
The output will be printed in the shell screen.<br>


python3 -u host:port
or easily:

python3 -f <file>
## Search tools: <br>
## Shodan  <br>
Get your account and an API Key here:<br>
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools -y
sudo apt-get install pip -y
pip install shodan
easy_install shodan
## Zoomeye <br>
Get an account and your API Key here:
pip3 install git+
## Enjoy it <br>
This tool has been provided just for accademic purposes. I am not responsible for any illegal action made with this code.<br>
Electrolulz - -<br>
Tested on a Ubuntu based O.S.