## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=D788454F-5A18-5D4D-9838-00A40F595BFB
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# PNG Exploit | Hidden Downloader
## How to Use
- Download the project to your computer as zip
- Extract Project to Folder.
- Make Sure You Have Visual Studio Installed on Your Computer
- [Click if Visual Studio is Not Installed](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/en/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=Community&channel=Release&version=VS2022&source=VSLandingPage&passive=false&cid=2030)
### Compiling :
1. Open the solution file (.sln).
2. Select **Build Solution** from the **Build** menu or press `Ctrl+Shift+B` to compile the project.
3. When the build is complete, select **Start Without Debugging** from the **Debug** menu or press `Ctrl+F5` to run the project.
## Preview

## Disclaimer
This source code is for educational purposes only. It's created to explore reverse engineering without impacting other gamers' experiences.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT. For more information, see the [License](LICENSE).