# CVE-2024-6387 : Vulnerability Detection tool for regreSSHion Remote Unauthenticated Code Execution in OpenSSH Server 
CVEHunter tool for vulnerability detection tool for CVE-2024-6387 with Asychronous Performance.
<h1 align="center">
  <img src="" width="2000px">

### :computer: Installation
git clone
cd CVE-2024-6387
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 --help
### :rocket: Usage 
python3 -h
  ____ __     __ _____  _   _                _               
 / ___|\ \   / /| ____|| | | | _   _  _ __  | |_   ___  _ __ 
| |     \ \ / / |  _|  | |_| || | | || '_ \ | __| / _ \| '__|
| |___   \ V /  | |___ |  _  || |_| || | | || |_ |  __/| |   
 \____|   \_/   |_____||_| |_| \__,_||_| |_| \__| \___||_| 
     CVE-2024-6387                      @th3gokul

[Description]: Vulnerability Detection and Exploitation tool for CVE-2024-6387

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ip IPADDRESS, --ipaddress IPADDRESS
                        [INF]: Specify a ip or domain for vulnerability detection
  -l LIST, --list LIST  [INF]: Specify a list of ips for vulnerability detection
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        [INF]: Number of threads for list of ips
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Port number to check (default: 22).
  -b, --banner          [INF]: Print the banner of vulnerable targets
  -v, --verbose         [INF]: Increases verbosity of output in console
  -to TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        [INF]: Timeout value for socket connection (Default=5)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        [INF]: Filename to save output of vulnerable target]

### About
The tool is Developed by [th3Gokul]( to detect the CVE-2024-6387 : regreSSHion Remote Unauthenticated Code Execution in OpenSSH Server 
### Disclaimer
The ๐Ÿ”จ tool is only for education and ethical purpose only and Developers are not responsible for any illegal exploitations.