# Zita Site Builder Exploit Guide

## Overview

**Zita Site Builder <= 1.0.2 - Missing Authorization to Arbitrary Plugin Installation**

The Zita Site Builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized access of functionality due to a missing capability check on one of its functions in versions up to, and including, 1.0.2. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to install and activate arbitrary plugins.



## Exploit Details

- **Affected Plugin**: Zita Site Builder
- **Affected Versions**: <= 1.0.2
- **Vulnerability Type**: Missing authorization to arbitrary plugin installation

### Description

The vulnerability arises due to a lack of proper permission checks within a critical function, allowing unauthenticated attackers to install and activate arbitrary plugins remotely. This can be exploited by crafting specific requests to the vulnerable endpoint.


## Script Usage

### Prerequisites

- Python 3.x installed.
- Required Python libraries: `requests`.
  - Install using: `pip install requests`.
- Target URL of the WordPress site running the vulnerable Zita Site Builder plugin.

### Steps to Execute the Script

1. Clone this repository or download the script file.
2. Open a terminal and navigate to the script's directory.
3. Run the following command:
   python -u <TARGET_URL>
   Replace `<TARGET_URL>` with the URL of the target WordPress site.
4. Optional: Specify plugins to install using the `-p` argument:
   python -u <TARGET_URL> -p "plugin-slug=PluginName"

### Expected Behavior

- The script checks the plugin version via the `readme.txt` file at:
- If the version is `1.0.2` or lower, the script proceeds to exploit the vulnerability.
- The script installs and activates the specified plugin(s).


## Example Output

[INFO] Version 1.0.2 is exploitable. Proceeding with exploitation in 10 seconds.
[INFO] HTTP Status Code: 200
[SUCCESS] The plugin 'ContactForm7' has been successfully installed and activated.


## Disclaimer

This script is intended for educational purposes and authorized security assessments only. Misuse of this script may result in legal consequences. Always obtain proper authorization before testing on any system.
