## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=E8626312-D509-5E46-9773-36D0E1BAA007
# CVE-2024-0235-PoC
The EventON WordPress plugin before 4.5.5, EventON WordPress plugin before 2.2.7 do not have authorisation in an AJAX action, allowing unauthenticated users to retrieve email addresses of any users on the blog
# Usage:
usage: CVE-2024-0235.py [-h] --url URL
CVE-2024-0235.py: error: the following arguments are required: --url/-u
C:\Users\Nxploit\Desktop\readmail>python CVE-2024-0235.py -help
usage: CVE-2024-0235.py [-h] --url URL
EventON (Free < 2.2.8, Premium < 4.5.5) - Unauthenticated Email Address Disclosure.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--url URL, -u URL The base URL of the WordPress site.