# jugular

Use jugs to look for CUPS: an ultrafast UDP sender, that tries to tickle listening cups-browsed processes to do a HTTP callback.

## Install (Ubuntu or similar)

sudo apt install golang libpcap0.8-dev
go install

... or download the Linux x64 binary from the builds

## Usage

1. Start jugular listening server, it's a simple HTTP server that replies with 404 to all requests, but saves the request headers in json files in current working directory - you can use something different if you want

```jugular listen --bind```

2. Start prodding CUPS instances, by sending UDP packets that announce a printer. Note: scanning the internet is in the grey area of legality, so be careful. If you're company IT security, you can use it internally ofcourse.

```jugular prod --network --delay 1 --url --addip true --ip your-own-machine-ip```

Since this software creates and writes its own packets directly to an outgoing network for performance reasons, you *need* to assign your own correct machine IP address (run `ip addr` to find it). The remote instances need to be able to route back to the URL you put in that parameter as well.

Test locally before going on a hunt, and please remember that this software can overwhelm your NAT firewall and other equipment (use the delay option).

*PLEASE NOTE* There is a 300 second delay from CUPS recieving the message to it reaches out to the URL you gave it. This is due to a hardcoded scheduling wait that is inside the CUPS software.

Choose one or more ... (for Ubuntu, YMMV with others - I updated + enabled ufw)

### On a recent distro (Ubuntu and others), just update CUPS, it'll reconfigure it for you!
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt upgrade (package "cups" should be listed among those that will be updated)

### Keep CUPS but enable firewalling. This disables unsolicited remote access to CUPS (be careful if you're remote):
- sudo ufw allow ssh (if you need that, could also be http, https etc)
- sudo ufw enable (enable firewall)

### You can remove CUPS if you're not printing:
- sudo apt remove cups

### Keep CUPS but stop and disable it:
- sudo systemctl disable --now cups

*If you get interesting results, I'd love to hear about them.*