## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=EAE6E8A6-C842-512C-BBF8-905BB499529B
# Dirty_Pipe_virus
Dirty Pipe is a kind of Linux exploit. Its CVE is CVE 2022-0847.
We use it to delete all files on your Ubuntu.
# Environment:
Ubuntu 20.04
Linux Kernel 5.8
This is the ova file of Ubuntu 20.04: [https://ttuedutw-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/410806228_o365_ttu_edu_tw/EWPK1npa-V5Eheb_EOrwhocBMaKH12xVcIdtdkxxU3UFNg?e=clKIbQ](https://ttuedutw-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/410806228_o365_ttu_edu_tw/EWPK1npa-V5Eheb_EOrwhocBL0D3Is3JOp6_HklzpDAFDA)
Password: ShaoLei0518
## Compiling the exploit
- An automated compiler bash script has been provided to you to automate the compilation of both exploits.
- In order to compile the exploit succesfully, you will need to have GCC installed.
sudo apt-get install gcc
- After installing GCC, you can run the 'compile.sh" script as follows:
chmod +x compile.sh
# Disclaimer
I make this malware just want to show the CVE 2022-0847. Please don't use this to do something illegal.
If you do it, I'm not responsible for this. Thank you.
# Reference
Thank you for AlexisAhmed