## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=F2B73D40-6A15-55D7-9E20-D59B3CE14876
# CVE-2021-38314
## What is the vulnerability?
The Gutenberg Template Library & Redux Framework plugin <= 4.2.11 for WordPress registered several AJAX actions available to unauthenticated users in the includes function in redux-core/class-redux-core.php that were unique to a given site but deterministic and predictable given that they were based on an md5 hash of the site URL with a known salt value of ‘-redux’ and an md5 hash of the previous hash with a known salt value of ‘-support’.
## How to install
Is easy to install, you only need clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/0xGabe/CVE-2021-38314
## How to use
You can use a single target or a file with a list, for exemple:
- Single target:
python3 cve-2021-38314.py --url https://target.com
- List of targets:
python3 cve-2021-38314.py --list targets.txt
### Note
At momment the script don't valid a SSL cert, in the future i will fix that.